Bulletin Board/ Recent News & Announcements
Check this page regularly for the most updated information on happenings in the community.

Funfest Results (posted 8/18/23)
This years annual Funfest was a great success. Many thanks to all the vendors, organizers, everyone that donated, and Community Center for allowing us to host the Funfest at the facility. Most of all, thank you to the community and all who attended to support the event. We had several boxes of canned food that was delivered to La Puente in Alamosa. We have great news that we did make a profit of $565 this year to donate to our local firefighters. Special thank you to Louviers mortgage and Helping Heroes Colorado was also able to donate a large amount to the local firefighters, from the event.
Annual Meeting Recap (posted 08/07/23
The annual meeting was held on August 5th, 2023. We would like to thank everyone that came. It was nice to meet new people in the community.
Minutes should be posted prior to months end for those of you who were unable to make it to the meeting to read.
We had to say good-bye to Doug Anderson as the outgoing president. Doug did a great job as president for the past 2 years and brought knowledge and interest to the community association. The new board wishes to follow in those footsteps to get more people involved in the community association.
Please check Board Members page to see the new board for the upcoming year.
Doug Andersons letter to the community (06/26/23 posted)
I have really enjoyed working with the property owners board. In recent months I have found my efforts as president overwhelming.
I dont mind people time including Facebook. I enjoy representing us at Castilla County Council meetings. I don't like details.
I think our biggest success has been restoring trust from the community regarding the property owners and the board. Our second biggest success is steering our board efforts to community events and community service. An equally important sucess has been developing a leadership team that works through relationships and attempts to conpromise, hear one another, and get along.
I think these goals are what has driven me as president. I also consider them reasonably accomplished.
I don't believe I can offer much more to our team. I am a horrible detail guy so I am a lousy choice to lead us through bi-law changes, but I am willing to try to make some progress before our Aug meeting.
I have decided to withdraw my name for reelection. My priority is to serve through relationships. That is great but my immediate priority is finishing our house and leading our Bible study and eventually planting a church. I am also busy as the American Legion Chaplain.
I am willing to continue to represent the Ranches to the Commissioners as it has taken many hours of work to come to a point of trust between the commissioners and our organization. I think expecting someone else to do this quickly we be unreasonable.
I certainly intend to remain 100% in my position and engaged until after Funfest this year. I am not trying to suddenly resign.
Thank you for serving with me. You are a great team!
Minutes from Annual have been posted!! (8/18/23)
The Minutes and the Treasures Report have been posted. Please go to the minutes page to view..
All Ranches Clean up! Posted 4/02/23
Much thanks to so many people: The people who came and helped clean-up, Allgon pizza for the discount to help feed the volunteers, KLG for getting dumpsters to the site on short notice, the emotional support from the community given to Roger and Chris during this tough time.
Thank you for making this a great community!!
Check out the pictures in the Picture Gallery
Fire Ban and Burning information
If you are going to be doing any controlled burns, please call 719-589-5807 prior to your burn and schedule your burn. This includes burning trash. This helps our firefighters, so they will not be out chasing unnecessary fire calls. This will also save you from a fine if your controlled burn has been called in and was not reported.
Off-Grid Camera System information (updated 5/8/23)
For anyone interested in purchasing a great camera system that was mentioned at the last meeting and this meeting, here is a link to check it out.